projects   Sally O'Reilly COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS





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Collaborative Projects



The Open Arms public house
An online collaborative project

The Open Arms unbolted its doors when all other pubs closed theirs. It is a focus for and record of locked-down conviviality. Dive in for a swift sharpener or settle down to a hearty session. Turn the music up or off, avoid anyone you don't like the look of. The place is yours. And better still - everything is on the house.

Puss in Boots
The Open Arms
24th December 2020 - 31st January 2021

By Sally O'Reilly,
with Sean Ashton, Anat Ben David, Peter Blegvad, Klara Kofen, Neil Luck, Matt Rogers, James Oldham, Lauren Silver, Paul Tarragó, Jennet Thomas and friends...

Puss in Boots



Even at Home We are Never Alone
Kit Downes & Sally O'Reilly
Grand Junction, London
17 March 2021

An evening of spoken word and music, with Kit playing several instruments, including the church’s organ and pipe organ, plus special guests Ruth Goller (bass) and Tom Challenger (reeds).



The Purgatory Shelf Object Theatre Variety Show
30 July - mid August 2020
Produced with Waste Paper Opera, hosted by The Open Arms


Last of the Red Wine

Exhibition at Project Arts Centre, Dublin

Last of the Red Wine

Exhibition of metafictional representations of the artist, with works
by Doug Fishbone, Hayley Newman, Kim Noble, Sally O'Reilly, Michelle
Owoo, Caroline Smith, Bedwyr Williams; co-curated with Tessa Giblin.

The Devil's Acre
In collaboration with William Cooper
Government Art Collection, London

Victors of the Nile

A series of labels for selected images from the Collection outlining
the practices of the Victors of the Nile – a group of radical historians,
all called Victor – and their ongoing attempt to identify prime causes.

Read the labels here...

Writer in Residence at the Whitechapel Gallery

Writer in Residence

A year of workshops, seminars, talks and events that acknowledged
the mongrel nature of art writing and invited other disciplines and
genres into the gallery.

Last of the Red Wine

Performance at Whitechapel Gallery and ICA, London

Last of the Red Wine

A sitcom based in the artworld, collaboratively devised, written and performed
within one week.

Written and performed by Doug Fishbone, Hayley Newman, Kim Noble, Sally O'Reilly,
Michelle Owoo, Caroline Smith, Phil Whelans, Bedwyr Williams.

Directed by Chris Head.

Also performing: Matthew Bayliss, Katie 'Blossom' Poulter, Patrick Cahill, Lindsay
Sharman, Jo Ball, Harry Deansway.

Foley art and audio recording by Jo Tyler and the Media School, Bournemouth University.

Brown Mountain College of the Performing Arts
Mel Brimfield, Sally O'Reilly, Ben Roberts

Simon Munnery, Brown Mountain College

Simon Munnery, Intergender Wrestling Bout, Brown
Mountain College Centenary Cabaret, Bethnal
Green Working Men's Club, London, 2006

For over a hundred years Brown Mountain College of the Performing Arts
was a roving, mutating platform for collaborative performative events too
varied and numerous to recount. The frozen remains of the College
website can be found here.