Worcestershire Sauce versus Soy Sauce
Sally O'Reilly, 2010
video, 1' 34"
In My Kitchen
Kit Downes & Sally O'Reilly, 2020
audio, 4' 29"
Catachresis in Pieces
Sally O'Reilly, 2011
24' 56"
The final race of the Condiment Cup. Low-stakes betting encouraged. Oh, the excessive banality of tech. Thatcher exalts the power of the bust, Mandela impresses with numbers, Barbara Jordan gets tough on peaches...
One of four races made for a gambling party. Text compiled during a residency at Modern Art Oxford. Track made remotely during lockdown with musician Kit Downes. First performed at the Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, at the invitation of convener Alfredo Cramerotti.
Previously on the Complicator:
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